Supporting and Healing the Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

Need help now?
Call: 1-844-762-8483
Medicine In Action
Being a good relative involves engaging Traditional ways of being which require us to interact with others from a place of compassion and respect. When we actively practice this way of living, we will not only prevent bad things from happening but promote the well-being of all people.
By putting our Medicine in Action through the Seven Teachings that follow, we will be contributing to the health of our families and communities in very tangible ways.

Be A Good Relative
Prevention Toolkit Resources
Human Trafficking Awareness Month Stalking Awareness Month
Human Trafficking Hotline Resource Center>resources
National Human Trafficking Resource Center
US Dept Health and Human Services
“Combating Trafficking Native Youth: Toolkit on Human Trafficking”
Training & Technical Assistance | The Administration for Children and Families (
Minnesota American Indian Resource Center
“Shattered Hearts: The Commercial Exploitation of American
Indian Women and Girls in Minnesota
National Center for Victims of Crime
“Child Sex Trafficking in America: A Guide for Parents & Guardians”
MN Indigenous Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition
“Garden of Truth: Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women
In Minnesota”
Stalking Awareness Prevention Resource Center
Stalking Awareness Month | Stalking Awareness & Prevention | SPARC
Teen Dating Awareness Month Teen Bullying
National Teen Violence Awareness Day: Feb 8
Love Is Respect
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC)
Native Love Youth Project
Women’s Herstory Month
International Women’s Day: March 8
NIWRC: Tillie Black Bear Women are Sacred Webinars
2022 Tillie Black Bear Women Are Sacred Day Virtual Healing Camp | NIWRC
NIWRC: Biographies of four Indigenous Women Leaders
Julian Brave Noisecat
“Brave Conversations: Native Women”
Julian Brave NoiseCat – Apocalypse Then & Now - Bioneers
National Education Association
National Women’s History Museum
Women’s History Month 2023
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
RAINN Day: April 14 (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
RAINN: Helpline and Resources
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)
NIWRC Online Resource Library
Futures Without Violence
“Child Abuse and Domestic Violence: Putting CAPTA to Work”
NIWRC Webinars “Children Exposed to Violence”
Native American Women’s Health Ed Resource Ctr
“What To Do When You Are Raped: An ABC Handbook for Native Girls”
Tribal Law and Policy Institute
“Tribal Legal Code Resource: Sex Assault and Stalking Laws”
MN Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
“Keeping Native Children Safe”
Office of Justice Programs: Office on Violence Against Women
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Month
MMIW Day: May 5
National Mental Health Month
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center
#MMIWG25 Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Two Spirit
NIWRC Online Resource Center: webinars, reports, etc
NamUS National Missing Unidentified Persons Systems: database
NIWRC publications: Montana
“When a Loved One Goes Missing: reference guide for families of missing Indigenous women; what to do in the first 72 hours”>resources>pocketguide
National Center on DV, Trauma, and Mental Health
Pride Month
Elder Abuse Awareness Day: June 15th
Tate Topa Consulting: Lenny Hayes
MN Indigenous Women’s Resource Center: Two Spirit/LGBT
National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative>elderjustice
Senior Rights Victoria: Elder Abuse Response Tool Kit
United Nations Resource Page: Ageing
Bison Month
National Women’s Equality Day: August 26 (1920)
Native American Right to Vote (1924)
National Women’s History Alliance
Timeline of Women’s Rights
Campus Safety Month
Suicide Prevention Day September 10
Boarding School Awareness/Orange Shirt Day
Every Child Matters: Sept 30
Center for Changing Our Campus Culture
Clery Center
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Independent Lens: “Home from School: Children of Carlisle”
Independent Lens | Home From School: The Children Of Carlisle | Season 23 | Episode 5 | PBS
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Day of Action: October 19
National Bullying Prevention Month
Indigenous Peoples’ Day: October 9
NIWRC Archives: webinars, PSA’s, materials
National Network to End Domestic Violence
DV Awareness Month Archives - NNEDV
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
“Domestic Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Women” #We Are Resilient Toolkit
Not in Our Town: Bullying Prevention
National Bullying Prevention Center
Native American Heritage Month
International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women
November 25
Administration for Native Americans ACF
Resource Library: Guides, videos, fact sheets, reports, webinars
Administration for Native Americans (ANA) | The Administration for Children and Families (
National Congress of American Indians
Native American Heritage Month | NCAI
National Public Radio
Indigenous Peoples' Day, as explained by Native Americans : NPR
Human Rights Day December 10
Human Rights Day | United Nations
Universal Hour of Peace
11:30pm December 31 – 12:30am January 1
Updated October, 2022